Low Level Laser for Lymphoedema

Low Level Laser for Lymphoedema

We are pleased to announce that we will now be offering Low Level Laser Therapy at Core Elements Physiotherapy. Low level laser has a variety of uses including scar tissue, fibrosis and Lymphoedema management.

It is a non-invasive and effective option that can be used on the scar tissue, hard tissue areas and in the lymph node areas (armpit or groin). Treatment time is usually 15 mins. The laser affects the individual cells and re-energises them to be more active. This new energy helps to break up fibrous tissue.

Low Level Laser:

  • Is painless and often immediate pain relief is experienced

  • Dramatically shortens recovery time with rapid reduction of swelling and inflammation

  • Significant softening of hard fibrosis

  • Improved mobility

  • Improved quality of life

Low Level Laser Therapy produces a photochemical effect. Infrared energy is absorbed in the cell membrane, where it induces a photophysical reaction which directly mediates the membrane potential, resulting in the intra and extracellular transport of photoproducts.
The cellular mechanisms are immediate, and are followed by secondary local reactions as the photoproducts interact with surrounding cells and tissue, producing such documented effects as enhanced blood and lymphatic flow, and photo mediated neural responses. The local reactions are followed by systemic effects as the photoproducts are carried by the blood and lymphatic systems around the body, and the photo mediated neuro responses take effect.

Given the chronic and often progressive nature of lymphoedema, the low-level laser is a significant treatment modality in increasing lymphatic circulation by working to soften tissues that are hardened by scar tissue adhesions, radiation fibrosis and lymphoedema fibrosis.


Physiotherapy Intervention for Lymphoedema


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